16 May 2013

To Whom It May Concern

Psychiatric Reform in Greece, after a period of struggles, nearly 30 years, is once again in a critical point.  Its viability is under threat and so is the viability of all the mental health units that have been created during this period. Regrettably, despite the very important work that has been achieved, the crucial deficits and the dysfunctions of the political and the health system, have never been addressed properly and with a specific operational design. As a consequence of that we have witnessed that the efforts of the transition from institutional to community based care have been disputed or even annihilated. In addition to that, the unstable, fragmented and manipulative applied policies regarding mental health have resulted to serious problems in the organization and the operation and planning of the services. As a consequence, all the stakeholders (the service users, the families, the experts) are “locked and lost” in a totally fragmented mental health system.

The peculiarity of the Greek case is that a significant proportion (approximately 35%) of the Psychiatric Reform has been implemented by NGOs-  legal entities operating under private law. The Ministry of Health has assigned the project of deinstitutionalization of patients from large psychiatric hospitals and of the creation of Mental Health Mobile Units, residential units and Day Centers in these scientific organizations (without though any special contract and any guarantee for the sustainability of the project), which meet the needs of approximately 30,000 patients. A correspondingly significant part of the Psychiatric Reform has been undertaken by public organizations and services. 

Despite these aforementioned problems, there are currently about 2700 people who live and receive services in about 450 housing structures, which provide services also in the user’s families and in the communities where they are located. And over 30.000 in total all over Greece who are using these services.

There are 24 Mental Health Mobile Units, which cover hard to reach and inaccessible areas in the mainland and many small islands, the population (children, adults and over 65) of which without these services will not have any mental health service to turn to. There are also, nationwide, 41 Mental Health Centers and 69 Day Centers which also service the needs of the local communities where they reside. It is worth mentioning here, that the geographical complexity of Greece (many small islands and secluded villages), is a major factor that contributes to the difficulty of the people to have access to health services, especially since there is no actual operation of the planned and divided (only on paper) mental health sectors. 

The harsh reality is that many of these mental health units, due to severe budget cuts, to the huge delays of their funding from the government, to being understaffed, in many cases poorly managed and planned and finally due to the complete absence of well-designed and operational mental health sectors, are dysfunctional or even worse not functioning at all.

The current situation oblige us to make the problem public, to formulate and open a discussion and also to act towards an un-negotiable goal: establishing the irrevocable of the Psychiatric Reform in Greece, for the benefit of all the mental health patients, people who will need some form of psychological support, their families and the communities in which they live and work.

For those of you who are not aware of the present reality in Greece, mental health is under attack and under threat, as a concept, us a function and us a system. Majorly due to the complete lack, on behalf of the policy makers (MPs and Prime Minister), to seriously discuss and implement solutions, and due to the will and inability of all the parts involved to work together and try together for this change. THIS HAS TO END, THERE IS NO TIME LEFT

Briefly we should mention that in Greece in the year 2013:

a.The unquestionable right, for all the citizens of all ages, to equal access to, at least adequate, health services, is questioned and infringed.

b.The rights of the mentally ill patients and their families are grossly violated in at least two levels: firstly because people are being negated the right to access or have functioning mental health services in the area that they live and secondly due to constructional deficiencies in their operation, co-operation and coordination. There have been recorded cases of patients burned alive strapped on their beds, deprived of their human rights, patients receiving very low quality care and so forth.

c.We have to underlie that, in these conditions where there is a breakdown of the social bonds and structures, where the welfare state is under huge crisis, where there are conditions of insecurity, of violent changes and deprivation, the first who are under major threat are the frail social groups. For example, due to the implemented policies, the mentally ill and their families are stripped of their basic welfare allowance, crucial to them, for living and covering their health care and medication. There is also a huge problem with the scarcity of certain cheap psychiatric medication which forces the patients to be burdened with the cost of other more expensive drugs.

d.The “difficult” and “demanding” patients (e.g. severely mentally retarded patients) stay for years or even decades to the psychiatric hospitals, due to the fact that the over-pressured and burned out system of mental health units cannot “cope” with them and properly treat them.

e.There is no integrated system of community care

f.Patients who are extremely vulnerable (unemployed, handicapped, poor and on well-fare) are excluded from some of these mental health services due to the fact that they have no insurance or their insurance partly covers the costs. They are also obliged, due to the aforementioned reality of the mental health system and policies dictated by the Government, to contribute from their penurious income for the living and functional costs of the residential units that they live in. At the same time their well-fare allowance has been stopped by the Government for over a year.

g.The 3000 people, who work at these NGOs (psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers etc.) and provide their services to the people and their communities for free, still remain unpaid for over  a period of 9 months, due to the lack of political decision making and planning. They are not willing to properly support and sustain these mental health services, although the E.U., all these years, has many times intervened and saved the whole project with extra funding.

h.At the same time, people who work at the public sector and the mental health services which cover that field are also under threat, under budget cuts, threats of mergers with other mental health units, and closures of functional mental health units. Former and latter, are still providing their services, devalued and financially overburdened and they are asked to look after people who have enormous needs psychically and physically. In a reality which at best someone can characterize it as complete wretchedness. In conclusion we have to underlie the specific nature of the profession and the psychological burdens, which mental health professionals who treat severely mentally ill patients, have to withstand and endure. All these in a very hostile external reality, where there is no support from the well-fare state in any level and each person is trying to struggle for his/her own survival. It is easily assumed by everyone, that in these conditions both patients and mental health professional are at high risk.


a.The survival of the psychiatric reform in Greece.

b.The safeguarding and the political confirmation of its irrevocable nature.

c.Sufficient funding for a comprehensive and integrated public mental health system, which will meet the needs of the Greek population and provide adequate services in a primary, secondary and tertiary level.

d.Complete restructuring and coordination of the mental health services (both NGOs and public sector) towards the community and gradual reformation of the psychiatric institutions. We need to preserve the existing services and create new out-patient units and mental health centers. All based on specific and scientific evaluating criteria.

e.Complete and immediate implementation of the sectoralization of the mental health services. It is of an outmost importance priority in order for everything else to function properly and effectively.


For more information and data please contact:
Email: synskepsi@gmail.com (http://syn-skepsi.blogspot.gr/)


21 April 2013

“Troika”- Mandated Austerity and the Emerging Health Care Crisis in Greece

“Troika”- Mandated Austerity and the Emerging Health Care Crisis in Greece:

An Open Letter to the Greek Government

To the Prime Minister of Greece and President of New Democracy Party, Mr. Antonis Samaras

To the President of PASOK, Mr. Evangelos Venizelos

To the President of the Democratic Left, Mr. Fotis Kouvelis,

To the Minister of Health, Mr. Andreas Lykouretzos,

This letter is an attempt by Greek scholars and physicians from diverse academic areas of specialization to raise our concerns regarding the current, dire, state of Health Care services in Greece.

Our country has fallen into a dismal state, and it is constantly challenged by extrinsic and intrinsic pressures, while the economic and social climate deteriorates further each day. The Greek government, in total obedience to the irrational demands of the Troika, focuses on the obligations of the citizens towards the state, and seems to forget or ignore its own obligations towards its citizens. The Government has imposed a brutal and self-defeating fiscal austerity; in a confiscatory manner, it tries to collect extra revenue from an already impoverished and afflicted populace, while it neglects its main role, as specified by the Constitution: The Protection of the Rights and the Welfare of the Citizen Body.

In three short years, governments comprised of the current coalition parties have managed to reduce the country’s GDP by 25%, leading Greece to the deepest and longest-lasting economic depression in the history of the modern Western world. During the same period of time, the public debt expanded from 109% GDP to 170% GDP, unemployment rose from 8% to 27%, and youth unemployment now holds the world record at 58%.  Incomes have been reduced by more than 40%, leading to a record number of families and individuals living below the poverty line. It is worth noting that the famous “haircut” (PSI), presented by the Government as a notable achievement, ultimately increased the public debt, while raiding the reserves of pension funds, reserves that were gathered painstakingly by the contributions of workers and pensioners.

One of the sectors that has been most hard-hit is Health Care. The Public Health system in Greece is now collapsing at all fronts. Having signed a memorandum of understanding with the unelected and unaccountable troika to reduce public health expenditures from 9.8% GDP (pre-crisis) to 6% GDP (the shrunken post-crisis GDP), the Greek government has instituted a number of measures which seriously undermine the health of the population. Removing health coverage from thousands of unemployed is definitely guaranteed to increase mortality in this segment of the population.

This policy of subservience to the Τroika’s demands has led to the closure or downgrading of Hospital units.  For example, the hospital of the town of Kymi “Georgios Papanikolaou”, the hospital of the city of Thebes and many others in the provinces and in metropolitan centers have seen their medical personnel reduced, the staff remained unpaid for long periods of time, their medical equipment in progressive deterioration, and laboratories with increasing shortages in all kinds of consumables (syringes, bandages, reagents etc.).  Patients now have to pay for consumables, for medical tests, and for surgeries. This is all on top of what they already paid through their insurance funds. Those who suffer from chronic diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, are forced to pay a 25% deductible for the cost of their medication, while prior to the crisis this deductible stood at 5%. Cancer and kidney failure patients suffer not only due to the increased costs of specialized treatments, but also the general rundown of these facilities, loss of key personnel and dramatic shortages in medications; unable to receive treatment at home anymore, they have to travel far away for dear life, and wait in endless queues in the corridors of bureaucratic health-insurance offices and/or hospital clinics. Patients in mental health units, such as Dromokaitio, face every day the alienation and indifference of a state that fails to support them. The staff and the resources in most psychiatric clinics are decreasing rapidly, while the number of patients is increasing (as this crisis is taking its toll).  Psychiatric hospitals in Greece can no longer perform at the level required to provide even basic treatment to patients diagnosed with serious mental illnesses.

Furthermore, the establishment of a "standard rate" for surgeries is forcing patients to pay in advance approximately 20% of the value of materials and services.  This “standard rate” makes both emergency and elective surgeries virtually unapproachable for a broad segment of the population. For example, on the basis of the newly introduced pricing, the cost for a hip replacement surgery at a public hospital approximates €1000; this cost is further increased by the remuneration of the surgeon, the anesthesiologist and other essential staff. Thus, the cost of this common surgery is currently unaffordable by an elderly patient with a basic pension of less than €600; such retirees would be unable to secure the funds, having to prioritize purchasing of basic foodstuffs, paying for rent and utilities, securing funds for heating, acquiring their regular medication, and affording sundry living expenses (and often this small pension supports an additional family member). 

Beyond these specific destructive measures, one can easily figure out the impact on public health of the consecutive decreases in pensions and the confiscatory tax measures. Many poor pensioners have no choice but to forgo basic, life-saving drugs and healthcare monitoring, in order to afford just food and heating (the Government’s devastating policies in heating fuel are duly noted here).  The pricing of basic goods has increased (not only by inflation but also by the drastic increases in VAT for even basic items), while incomes have been drastically reduced.  The imposed increase of 500% or above on deductibles for drugs and doctor visits are simply making it impossible for many pensioners to maintain their assigned treatment.  Certainly, the consequences here, especially for persons with serious and chronic diseases, are increased morbidity and mortality.

This rapid decline in the quality of care administered is complemented by the hemorrhaging of highly trained individuals; more than 4,000 highly trained Greek doctors have emigrated abroad because of their frustration with the degradation of the system and the successive cuts in wages, overtime remuneration and benefits. It is worth noting that the National Health System (ESY) in our country has operated efficiently, provided exceptional services and constituted an important achievement of our society prior to the onset of the crisis. It was the hard work of the doctors, the nurses, the pharmacists, the laboratory scientists and technicians, the administrators and the ancillary personnel of ESY that advanced the status of the public health in the country. This system is now bereft of basic resources, besieged at every level and plundered with your consent.  Its members are fleeing in increasing numbers.

In this context, we call on the Greek government to keep and defend the value of health. There should be no cuts on funds required for the normal operation of the hospitals in Greece, both for those located in major metropolitan centers and for those in the islands and other remote areas of our country. We ask that you do not downgrade regional hospitals to just health centers. Such health centers will provide limited services and result in the collapse of public health in the provinces. Do not let these regional/provincial hospitals remain understaffed, manned simply by general practitioners or pathologists, bereft of key specialized personnel; your policies will degrade terminally what has been the key strength of these regional hospitals, a strength that contributed significantly to the improvement of public health in Greece in the last few decades.  If your policies were fully enabled, key specialized personnel would only be found in large, crowded hospital conglomerates in metropolitan centers. Such a policy would force Greeks who need special attention, to travel farther and farther from home in order to secure proper care (thus further increasing the already unbearable costs), assuming that they can even afford it, a dangerous assumption  in this current economic climate.  The additional costs and the absence of timely specialized care would undoubtedly lead to increased morbidity and mortality in the provinces.  A welfare state that respects its institutions and history, and cares about its continued existence in the future, should not even contemplate such drastic cuts in public health. Such actions can be expected by foreign-installed, occupation governments, not by a government of Greeks for Greeks.

Thus, we request the following actions by the Greek government: 

1.The proper staffing, maintenance, and modernization of existing hospitals in the country, especially in the provinces and the islands.
2.The restoration of proper medical coverage of population groups, the collective health of which is specifically under threat by the current economic crisis.  These groups include the long-term unemployed, the working poor, low-income pensioners, and others.  For these population groups, you must introduce a substantial rollback of the increases in the cost of health care that you have instituted.
3.The creation of policies and incentives that will assist in the proper geographic allocation of physicians and nursing personnel of all specialties in order to avoid needless and counterproductive concentration of qualified personnel (often unemployed) in metropolitan centers.
4.The proper remuneration of physicians, nurses, laboratory scientists and technicians to avoid further depletion of these key personnel through emigration.  The drastic cuts in wages, salaries and overtime pay must be rolled back.  Otherwise, the exodus of qualified personnel will turn into a stampede, with disastrous consequences for public health.
5.The introduction of policies that will assist in the ready availability of pharmaceuticals, consumables, laboratory supplies, and devices.  The government should forgo unconvincing public releases about primary surpluses and regularly pay suppliers and pharmaceutical companies the full amount owed.

As the government of Greece, you have the responsibility for our country’s survival and the welfare of its citizens. You have no right to obtain credit by degrading the health of your compatriots and by sending to an early grave the most vulnerable among us.  You are obliged to say NO to the demands of the unelected members of the “troika”, when obedience to these demands has devastating consequences for our country. If saying NO to Troika’s destructive demands means exiting the Euro Zone, then you must do so.  Many of us believed in a united Europe, but the Euro Zone proved to be only a means of exploitation of the weaker nations by the stronger ones. The consequences of our continued participation in the common currency have become obvious by now. Along with the impoverishment of our country, you have made us forget not only the meaning of the word “pride”, but also the meaning of “dignity”.  Despite the ongoing crisis, record unemployment, the rapid decline in GDP, the dramatic increase in poverty and hunger, the deteriorating health of the population, the sharp decline in birth rates, the wave of suicides and total loss of hope, you cling tenaciously to your policies of supplication and subjugation, while continuing to sell off public property and public companies at rock bottom prices.

The disastrous policies that undermine even the basic health of the Greek population must come to an end.  As Greeks, we are able to survive the crisis and rebuild. However, to do so, having our physical health is a prerequisite.


1.Medical and support staff of the Metropolitan Social Clinic of Elliniko, GREECE.
2.Akritas Alkis, Professor, CS / KU, USA.
3.Albrecht-Πηλιούνη Ευφροσύνη, Ph.D., International Programs, Foy Hall 316, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA.
4.Almpoura Efstratia, MSc Developmental Psychologist, IED-Paris8, Vincennes-Saint Denis, Paris, & Harvard ES, Cambridge MA, Athens, GREECE.
5.Anastassopoulou Ioanna, Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Athens, GREECE.
6.Andreatos Antonios, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Department of Air Science, Air Force Academy, Athens, GREECE.
7.Antikas Theodoros, Ph.D., GREECE.
8.Apostolaki Aggeliki, MSc Psychologist, A.U.TH. Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
9.Argyrokastritis Ioannis, Associate Professor, Agricultural University of Athens, GREECE.
10.Argyropoulos Giannis, PhD, AT&T Labs
11.Aroniadou-Anderjaska Vassiliki, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neurosciences, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
12.Valaskakis Kimon, Ph.D., Ambassador of Canada (Ret), Professor of Economics (Emeritus), University of Montreal, CANADA.
13.Vallianatos Evangelos, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pitzer College, USA.
14.Vartholomaios Tasos, MD, PhD, MFHom, GMC, UK, Registered Consultant Pathologist, Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy,UK
15.Vartholomaiou-McLean Athina, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work, Central MI University 48859, USA.
16.Vichas George, Cardiologist, Head of the medical team of the Greek Metropolitan Social Clinic of Elliniko, GREECE
17.Vigot Jacques, DNSAP, in Plastic Arts, ENSBA, Paris. Artist-Painter, Educator in Painting and Drawing, Animation Center Les Halles-Le Marais, Paris Τοwnhall of the 1st Arr., Paris, FRANCE.
18.Vogiatzis Alexander, Former Associate Professor, University of Macedonia, GREECE.
19.Burriel Angela R., Professor, Veterinary Microbiology, University of Thessaly, GREECE.
20.Bucher Matthias, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Crete, Chania, GREECE.
21.Georgopoulou Lito, Educator, GREECE.
22.Giannaki Efrosyni, Surgeon Dentist, Dental School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GREECE.
23.Spiro Yannacopoulos,  Ph.D., P.Eng., Associate Dean and Director, School of Engineering, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Kelowna, BC, CΑΝΑDA.
24.Panagiotis Giannopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras, GREECE.
25.Giannoukos Konstantinos, M.Eng., Doctoral Candidate, Faculty of Engineering, Division of Materials Mechanics and Structures, The University of Nottingham, UK.
26.Giannoukos Stamatios, M.Eng., Research Assistant and Doctoral candidate, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University of Liverpool, UK.
27.Giokaris Nikos, Professor, Department of Physics, University of Athens, GREECE.
28.Gatzoulis Nina, Languages, Literature and Cultures University of New Hampshire, USA.
29.Dascalopoulos Stella S., MD, MSc, DIC, PhD, Assistant Professor in Medicine, Director, Vascular Health Unit, Department of Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, McGill University, CANADA.
30.Dokos Socrates, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA.
31.Dritsas Margarita, Emeritus Professor of Economic History, Greek Open University (Hellenic Open University), GREECE.
32.Eleftheriades George Savva, PhD, OAM, GCSCG, CETr, JP.  – ExarchOSETrAu, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA.
33.Eleftheriades Evgenia, CLETr, CSH; - Sydney, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA.
34.Evangeliou Christos C., Professor of Philosophy, Honorary President of IAGP, Towson University, Towson MD, USA
35.Prof. Dr. Panayiotis Zavos, Dr., Professor, Director & Chief of Andrology, Andrology Institute of America, President & CEO, ZDL, Inc. USA, P.O.Box 23777, Lexington, KY 40523, USA
36.Zerva Evgenia, M.Eng., Doctoral Candidate, Process and Environmental Engineering Research Division, University of Nottingham, UK.
37.Dr. Vassiliki Zotou, Language and Linguistics in Education, University of Thessaly, Volos, GREECE.
38.Zografopoulos Gregorios, Dentist,Dental School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Florina, GREECE.
39.Ifestos Panagiotis, Professor, International Relations-Strategic Studies, University of Piraeus, Department of International European Studies, GREECE.
40.Theocharopoulos Anthony, Ph.D., Lecturer in Dental Technology, Cork University Dental School and Hospital, Wilton, Cork, IRELAND.
41.John Petros, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2562, USA.
42.Kaimara Polyxena, MSc School and Evolutionary Psychology, MSc Public Health Specialization in Counseling and Guidance, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center Florina, GREECE.
43.Kakouli Thomae, Ph.D., Lecturer in Biosciences, Department of Science and Health, Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow, IRELAND.
44.Kakoules Theophilos, Emeritus Professor, University of Athens, GREECE.
45.Father Lambros Kamperidis, Concordia University, Montreal Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, CANADA.
46.Anastassios Carayannis, PhD, Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, CANADA.
47.Caranastassi Irini, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture, School of Agricultural Technology, TEI of Messolonghi, GREECE.
48.Karan Panayiotis, Professor of Parasitology and Anatomy, Medical School, University of Cologne, 50937 Cologne, GERMANY.
49.Katsifarakis Costas, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
50.Panagiotis Kelandrias, Associate Professor, Department of Translation and Interpreting, Ionian University, GREECE.
51.Keromnes Luce, (CCI) School of Nurses-Managers of Pitié -Salpêtrière, Senior Manager of Health - retired, Paris, FRANCE.
52.Kontos John, Professor Emeritus, NKUA, GREECE.
53.Kopatou Stamatina, Professor of French in the French Institute of Athens (INFA), Greece. University of Languages ​​and Literature Grenoble 3. Athens, GREECE.
54.Constantine Koudounas, Graduate Department of Physics UoA, MSc Marketing & Communication, Gold Coast, QLD AUSTRALIA.
55.Koutselini Mairi, Professor, University of Cyprus, CYPRUS.
56.Kranidioti Maria, Associate Professor, School of Law, University of Athens, GREECE.
57.Kriara Fenia, MSc Cultural Informatics and Communication, Aegean University, GREECE.
58.Kyriakou George, Professor, Demokrition University of Thraki, GREECE.
59.Koletis Theophilus M., Professor of Cardiology, University of Ioannina, GREECE.
60.Comodromos Petros, Lecturer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering School of Engineering, University of Cyprus, CYPRUS.
61.Kostantatos Demosthenes, Ph.D., M.Sc. M.B.A., Greenwich CT, USA.
62.Father Konstantelos Dimitrios I., Dr F. D.TH, Emeritus Professor of Byzantine History and Theology, Stockton College of New Jersey, Galloway, New Jersey, USA
63.Kostas Antigone, Doctor of Psychiatry, Greenwich CT USA
64.Christina Lazaridis, Ph.D, retired from Dupont Company, Wilmington DE, USA (and Heraklion, Crete, GREECE)
65.Lazaridis Anastasios, Eng.Sc.D, Professor Emeritus, Widener University, Chester PA, USA (and Heraklion, Crete, GREECE)
66.Lampropoulou Venetta, Professor, Special-Deaf Education, President of the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Deaf Studies Unit, Department of Primary Education, University of Patras, GREECE.
67.Lekanidou P., Emeritus  Professor,  UoA, GREECE.
68.Loutridis Abraham, MSc, PhD Candidate, Antenna and High Frequency Research Centre, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, IRELAND
69.Μanios Ioannis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Dental Surgery, Surgeon Dentist, Athens, GREECE.
70.Melakopides Kostas, Associate Professor of International Relations (ret.), University of Cyprus, Nicosia, CYPRUS.
71.Michalakopoulos George, Assistant Professor, Department of Translation and Interpreting of the Ionian University, GREECE.
72.Costas Moulopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, CYPRUS.
73.John E. Batzakas, Lecturer, University of the Aegean, GREECE
74.Bacalis Naoum, PhD, Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, National Research Institute, Athens, GREECE.
75.Baloglou George, Associate Professor Emeritus (SUNY Oswego), Thessaloniki, GREECE.
76.Balopoulos Victor, Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, GREECE.
77.Blytas Κ. George, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, Research Consultant, Royal Dutch  Shell, retired, President, GCB Separations Consulting, Founder: The Hellenic Professional Society of Texas, Author:  The First Victory, Greece in the Second World War, 2009, USA.
78.Bougas Ioannis, Professor of Statistics, Montreal, CANADA.
79.Briasouli Eleni, Professor, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Lesvos, GREECE.
80.Moraitis L. Nicholas, Professor of International Relations - Comparative Politics, University of California, Berkeley.
81.Negreponti-Delivani Maria, Ph.D., ex Rector and Professor of University of Macedonia, GREECE.
82.Notopoulou Julia, MSc Developmental Psychologist, IED-Paris8, Vincennes-Saint Denis, Paris. MFA Film and Film / Video, IED-Paris8, Vincennes-Saint Denis, Paris, Athens, GREECE.
83.Octeau Anne-Pascale, DNSAP, in Plastic Arts, ENSBA, Paris. Artist-Painter, Educator in Painting and Drawing, Paris, FRANCE.
84.Panoskaltsis Basil P., MS, MA, Ph.D., GREECE.
85.Papavasileiou-Alexiou Joanna, Assistant Professor of Counselling and Guidance University of Macedonia, Department of Educational and Social Policy, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
86.Papagiannis Gregorios, Ph.D., Byzantine Philology, Demokrition University, Thraki, GREECE.
87.Papadopoulos Nikos T., Emeritus Professor of Medicine Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
88.Papadopoulou Maria, CLETr, MSc, Civil Engineer, Larissa, GREECE.
89.Papathanasiou Maro, Professor in the Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, GREECE.
90.Papamarinopoulos P. Stavros, Professor, University of Patras, GREECE.
91.Paparodopoulos Nikolaos, former Lecturer, University of Aegean, GREECE.
92.Paul P. George, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Polytechnic School of Xanthi, University Campus Xanthi Kimmeria, Xanthi, GREECE.
93.Péré-Pasturel Sandrine, MSc Psychologist, IED-Paris8, Vincennes-Saint Denis, Paris, Varcheny, Nursing-Nurse Manager at Creche au Pont, Rhône-Alpes, FRANCE.
94.Leonidas Petrakis, PhD, Chairman and Senior Scientist (Retired), Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Now residing in California, USA.
95.George Pirgiotakis, ex Associate Professor, GREECE.
96.Retzios Anastassios, Ph.D., President, Bay Clinical R&D Services, LLC, San Ramon, California, USA.
97.Riga Aikaterini, Ph.D. Director of Nematology Laboratory and Senior Scientist, Verdesian Life Sciences, Pasco, WA, USA
98.Peter Roussos, Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Athens, GREECE
99.Sakatcheff  Veronique, MSc Cognitive-Behavioral Psychologist, IED-Paris8, Vincennes-Saint Denis, Paris, Toulon, FRANCE.
100.Sarri Maria, Surgeon Dentist UMFT Victor Babes, Athens, GREECE
101.Stamboliadis Elias, Professor, Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, GREECE.
102.George Stavropoulos P., Cytologist, University of Athens, Athens, GREECE.
103.Mika Stavropoulou, Research Faculty, UoA
104.Stavropoulou Georgia, MA, MPhil. Los Angeles, CA, USA.
105.Stylianakis Vasilis, University of Patras, GREECE.
106.Tzamtzis Stavros - Dionisios, Psychologist, graduated from Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
107.Dr. George Tsobanoglou, PhD Sociology, Carleton, President, International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Sociotechnics & Sociological Practice (ISA-RC26), Associate Professor, University of the Aegean, Dept. of Sociology, Mytilini, Greece
108.Anna Tsirka, pediatric cardiology, Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
109.Tsoutsoulopoulou A.M., EEDIP I English School of Humanities, University of Thessaly, GREECE.
110.Flessas George P., Professor, Department of Information & Communication Systems Engineering, Department of the Aegean, Karlovassi, Samow, Greece.
111.Evangelia Floros, Professor, Tel & GL Larissa, Department Decorators / Graphic Designers, Maintainers art, Design Free / Linear and specificity School of Architecture University of Thessaloniki, Larissa, GREECE.
112.Katerina T. Franzi, Associate Professor of Informatics, Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean
113.Fridas Stavros, Professor of Parasitology Immunology-AUTH, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
114.Halamantaris Pantelis, Ph.D., Ed.D. (HC), Professor Emeritus, Brandon University, Deputy Director, the University of Manitoba Centre for Hellenic Civilization, Brandon, Manitoba, CANADA.
115.Hamilos I. Apostolos, Surgeon Dentist, Dental School, Athens, GREECE.
116.Hamilou A. Ioannou, Surgeon Dentist, Univerzita Karlova v Praze-Charles Univeristy, Prague, Athens, GREECE.
117.Hatzis Aristotelis, A.U.TH. – N.K.U.A., Dentist, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ATHENS, GREECE.
118.Hatzis Labros ,MD, PhD, BPlast, Fellow, St John's College, Cambridge University, UK. S. Lecturer Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, IRELAND.
119.Hatzopoulos N. Ioannis, Professor, University of the Aegean, Department of the Environment, Mytilene, GREECE.
120.Nikoletta Christodoulou, Lecturer, Curriculum and Teaching, School of Education, University Frederick, Nicosia, Cyprus
121.Theodore Christou, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Queen's University, Faculty of Education, CANADA.